What is 12 year prayer saint bridget?
12 year prayer saint bridget is a set of prayers that were revealed to Saint Bridget of Sweden in the 14th century. These prayers were said to have been revealed to Saint Bridget by Jesus himself. The set of prayers is composed of 15 prayers that are to be said daily for a period of 12 years. The prayers are said to be very powerful and are believed to have the ability to bring about miracles in the lives of those who say them.
How to Say the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget
To say the 12 year prayer saint bridget, one needs to say the set of 15 prayers daily for 12 years. The prayers are to be said in the following order: 1. The Apostles Creed 2. One Our Father 3. Three Hail Marys 4. One Glory Be 5. One Hail Holy Queen 6. Seven Our Fathers and Hail Marys in honor of the Seven Sorrows of Mary 7. One Our Father and Hail Mary in honor of Saint Joseph 8. One Hail Mary in honor of Saint Michael the Archangel 9. One Hail Mary in honor of the Guardian Angel 10. One Our Father and Hail Mary in honor of the Holy Ghost 11. One Our Father and Hail Mary in honor of the Holy Wounds of Jesus 12. One Our Father and Hail Mary in honor of the Five Wounds of Jesus 13. One Our Father and Hail Mary in honor of the Precious Blood of Jesus 14. One Our Father and Hail Mary in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 15. One Our Father and Hail Mary in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary
What are the benefits of saying the 12 year prayer saint bridget?
There are many benefits to saying the 12 year prayer saint bridget. It is said that those who say the prayers with devotion will receive the following graces:
- The assurance of eternal life - The forgiveness of sins - The ability to get out of purgatory quickly - The protection of the angels - The ability to overcome temptation
Can I say the 12 year prayer saint bridget for someone else?
Yes, you can say the 12 year prayer saint bridget for someone else. It is said that by saying the prayers for someone else, you can help that person receive the graces and blessings that come with saying the prayers.Conclusion
The 12 year prayer saint bridget is a powerful set of prayers that can bring about miracles in the lives of those who say them with devotion. By saying the prayers daily for 12 years, one can receive the many graces and blessings that come with saying the prayers. So, if you are looking for a way to deepen your faith and receive the blessings of God, consider saying the 12 year prayer saint bridget.